Consumer Centered Management

- Scope of Certification : GS&POINT Servies and GSCaltex BONUS Card Servies
- Valid from June 11, 2023 to June 9, 2026
We organize the complaints from the Customer Service Center by type and analyze the data to make improvements and prevent recurrences. Once we implement proposed improvements, we monitor the situation to confirm that the improvements are being carried out correctly. In 2013, we acquired the ISMS-P (Personal Information & Information Security Management System) certification to protect our customers' data more methodically. Again, we were the first in the industry to acquire the certification and have maintained the certification status to date.

GS Caltex has strengthened customer convenience such as widget function, design improvement, litre gas option, and Hyundai Card Mpoint payment by renewing its Energy Plus app. Based on these efforts, it has achieved the first place in the gas station sector (2009-2024) for 16 consecutive years in National Customer Satisfaction (NCSI).
Customer complaint handling time: 0.5 days
Promotions and Membership Programs

- Our Kixx brand provides specialized services to GS Caltex gas station customers. Kixx embodies the fast, strong, and dynamic energy of the word 'kick' which inspired the brand name. The unique offer is just one way GS Caltex adds joy to the customer experience.

- GS&POINT is an integrated GS Group membership program introduced in 2008. Customers can collect GS points from purchases they made at GS Caltex, GS Retail, and GS Shop. The points can then be used at GS&POINT affiliate or partner companies like cash (1 point = KRW 1).
Kixx Quality Service
Strict standards are the key to preventing decline in quality of petroleum products. From production to storage and distribution, GS Caltex employs rigorous quality control over products until they reach the consumers. We began operating the industry’s first mobile quality control service with Kixx Quality Service Vehicles in 2007 and expanded the service to include LPG Quality Service Vehicles in 2013. These travelling laboratories visit gas stations nationwide to conduct quality inspections and respond to customer complaints. They can also be mobilized immediately in emergencies. Every year, we publish informational leaflets on how to maintain diesel in cold weather and share the material with station visitors and businesses to ensure consumers can use our product without any hassles in the winter.
Kixx Quality Service Vehicles
Inspection Checklist
- Oil Type Analysis
Quality analysis (octane number, research, density, water content, olefin content, aromatic content, benzene content, oxygen content)
Quality analysis (identification of additives, i.e. addition of kerosene, water content)
- Facility Inspection
- Preliminary inspection of risk factors, including fire or explosion on the premises of the services station
- Quality Inspection
Quality inspection of Gas Stations
Quality inspection of LPG stations
Vehicle-mounted Equipment
- Gasoline analysis
Use of FT-NIR
(Fourier transform – near infrared spectrometer)
- Kerosene in diesel
- Use of colorimeter, UV spectrometer
- Water content and sediment
- Moisture detection reagents, centrifugal separator