Principles of SHE Management
- 01
- We will voluntarily follow and carry out SHE-related laws and regulations.
- 02
- We will prevent accidents in the workplace through safety measures and establish a collective/cooperative culture of safety.
- 03
- We will continue improving the working environment and offer healthcare activities to promote a healthy life for stakeholders in and outside the company.
- 04
- We will contribute to the local community and worldwide conservation efforts through activities to reduce emission of pollutants and GHG and the development of environmentally friendly products.
- 05
- We will make our SHE results public to stakeholders in Korea and abroad in a transparent manner.
SHE Management System
Safety culture and process safety management (PSM) are taking root at GS Caltex based on our CEO’s staunch commitment to
SHE management policies and actions.

- CEO’s Commitment
- Safety is the key to sustainable growth. Safety and trust are crucial for increasing profitability.
- Establishment of Safety Culture
- Safety Culture Transformation Program
- Internalization of Process Safety Management (PSM)
- People Education and training, incident investigation, partner management
- Facilities/ Equipment Maintenance inspection, safety inspection before operations
- System Process safety information, safe operation instruction procedures, safe work permit procedures, process risk analysis , and management of change (MOC), internal audit
- Emergency Response Stronger emergency response capabilities
Safety Management
1. Creating a Safe Workplace through Safety Culture
The Safety Culture Transformation Program seeks to fundamentally improve individual employees’ awareness and actions so that everyone is involved in promoting workplace safety. Every month, all our worksite managers participate in the Safety Leadership Committee. The committee makes decisions after reviewing the progress of the Safety Culture Transformation Program and operates core teams assigned to the Program’s specific agendas. Their efforts help instill a mature safety culture in the lives of all employees.

2. Internalization of Process Safety Management (PSM)
GS Caltex continues to strengthen the level of our response and operation capabilities based on a systematic PSM system. Employees with in-depth understanding of the 12 principles of process safety management operate PSM systems in emergency response areas. These include Human Factors (education and training, incident investigation, partner management, and internal audit), Facilities (facilities maintenance and pre-operation safety checkup), and System/Technology (process safety information, safety operation instruction procedures, safety work permit procedures, process hazard analysis, and management of change)